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CMC Vellore MBBS Entrance Exam 2019 7 years ago

CMC Vellore MBBS Entrance Exam 2019: Finally the wait is over, the students who are waiting for the online application form of CMC Vellore is out. The students are adc=vised to fill the application form before the last date. There are different CMC Vellore courses which are there to help the students in choosing different streams for the exam. The CMC results in 2019 are going to be announced after the CMC Exams gets over. The CMC Vellore MBBS admission 2019 latest news has some changes in the exam.

CMC Vellore MBBS Entrance Exam 2019: Check the changes of CMC Vellore 2019 which are applied in the exam. There is a lot of application form filled for the exam but there are some students only who are able to crack the exam. The CMC Vellore admission process is quite tough as there is an entrance exam which is compulsory for the studies to crack. we are here to help you with the complete information of CMC Vellore 2019 exam.

CMC Vellore Mock Test

CMC Vellore MBBS Entrance Exam 2019: The mock test for preparing for the CMC Vellore is another advantage which can help the students in building the strong concepts. The CMC Vellore MBBS 2019 prospectus and will help you with the complete information. The prospectus is available on the College websites. Cracking the CMC Vellore exam is not an easy task for the students. The proper guidance and right direction is something which can help you in achieving great targets.

CMC Vellore Cutoff

CMC Vellore MBBS Entrance Exam 2019: CMC Vellore Cutoff has been announced by the officials which are available on the education portal. Students should go through the education portal for complete information on CMC Vellore Exam. Students must visit the education portal to see the changes in the exam. CMC Vellore 2019 MBBS admission process needs a lot of hard work and determination.

CMC Vellore Exam Pattern- The CMC Vellore Exam pattern has been confirmed by the officials. Candidates whoa re preparing for the exam according to the latest exam pattern will use this opportunity to work hard in this field.

TANCET 2019 Syllabus Pdf Download 7 years ago

TANCET 2019 Syllabus Pdf Download: Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test has been conducted by Anna University. TANCET 2019 Syllabus Pdf Download process takes a small time to get executed. The TANCET 2019 syllabus pdf contains the complete syllabus which contains all the important section which have maximum chances to appear in the exam. Students can download the syllabus pdf and use it for preparing for the entrance exam.

The TANCET 2019 application form should be filled up by the candidates before the last date. The TANCET 2019 registration date is 1 week of April and the last date is last week of April. The TANCET 2019 anna university admission process takes a small time to get colleges allotted to the students. The TANCET 2019 colleges allotment process or counseling date will help the candidates in getting best results.

TANCET 2019 Syllabus Pdf Download Advantages

TANCET 2019 Syllabus Pdf Download Advantages: The TANCET 2019 Syllabus Pdf Download Advantages list is long which will help in analyzing the exam pattern easily and cracking the best college for graduation. The TANCET 2019 syllabus advantages list is given below-

  1. The students s able to analyze the question paper pattern which can come in the exam.
  2. Candidates are advised to study according to the syllabus as the many questions are going to come in the exam from the syllabus itself.
  3. The brief idea of solving the paper in time and the management of time which can help in solving all the paper in time.

TANCET 2019 Counselling Date

TANCET 2019 Counselling Date: TANCET 2019 Counselling Date has been announced and students are advised to go through the link which contains important information about TANCET 2019 exam. The TANCET 2019 counseling date will be approximately in the month of July. The TANCET 2019 counseling procedure will start and students are advised to fill the best college which they want during the counseling so that they will use the best opportunities.

TANCET 2019 Counselling will help the students in making use of certain opportunities which can help the students in getting aware of the different tactics which help the individual to get continuous growth in their career.

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 7 years ago

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019: MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Notification has been announced and students are advised to fill up the online application form before the last date. The MP PPT Entrance exam date has been announced and it is going to happen in the 4th week of April. The main aim of the exam is to get the best students to crack the exam and get the best colleges for the graduation. The MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 application form is going to be announced on 2nd week of March. The application form last date is around 4 week of March. Students are advised to prepare for the exam from the best teachers and get aware about the different topics.

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Application Form

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019: MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Application Form has to be filled up by the students before the last date. The application form of MP PPT 2019 contains all the genuine information which will be benefitted during choosing the college. The students are allotted the college in which the information is stored according to the application form. The Online Application form of MP PPT 2019 contains the detailed information on individual candidates according to which his/her application is accessed.

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Eligibility Criteria

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019: MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Eligibility Criteria contains the minimum requirement which an individual should have to appear for the exam. There is a complete list of requirements which an individual can go through to analyze himself/herself.

  1. The individual should be an Indian Citizen to appear for the exam.
  2. The individual must have done 12 from a recognized board.
  3. The Math and science are the important subjects which are compulsory to have to appear for the exam.

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Syllabus

MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019: MP PPT Entrance Exam 2019 Syllabus is designed by the experienced faculties who have a lot of experience in designing the exam papers. Visit Best Education portal for all Entrance Exam Information. Studying according to the syllabus of experience faculties could help the students in getting advantages of best education and knowledge.

JEE Mains 2019/2020|Tips to Crack JEE Mains Exam 7 years ago

Couldn’t crack JEE Mains in 2018 not to worry. Life is full of opportunities and it always gives you a second chance to qualify for the JEE Mains exam.

JEE Mains is one of the toughest and most competitive exams. Every year 12 lakh students appear for the exam and only 2 lakh were able to Crack JEE Mains Exam with good marks.

In 2018 the number of candidate increase to 14 lakhs and only 2 lakhs students qualify for the advanced. Here are some Preparation Tips to qualify the JEE Mains and JEE Advanced exam.

Hours to Study of JEE Exam

The aspiring students who are preparing for JEE exams should work hard as the JEE Mains exam preparation needs more hours of time. The Minimum time to study for JEE Mains is 6 to 7 hours a day.

Must complete JEE syllabus on time:-

Students should complete their syllabus till October or November in order to know how to Score more marks in IIT- JEE Mains exam. They should also refer best reference books for JEE.

JEE Main Syllabus:-

First of all the students should solve the NCERT books completely to Solve JEE Mains question papers easily and gain more marks. Students can visit India’s No.1 online education portal to get the best notes prepared by previous year toppers and study material from the toppers.

Physics:- Force and Inertia, Newton's First Law of motion, Momentum, Newton's Second Law of motion, Impulse, Newton's Third Law of motion. Static and Kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction, Sliding friction, Sound.

Chemistry: - Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry.

Math’s:- Probability, Quadratic Equation, Differentiation, Integration, Polynomials, Coordinate geometry.


Practice daily mock test papers and self-evaluate your performance on a daily basis. Complete the NCERT syllabus in first two months and after that practice with the Best reference book for JEE Mains exam. Reference books help in covering each and every topic.

This Blog is about the Best preparation tips for JEE Main |Study material for JEE| Previous years Toppers study material from India No.1 education Portal

Kerala HSE 12th Result 2018–Kerala plus 2 Result 7 years ago

Kerala is one of the famous and largest boards of our country in which according to the state council of Educational Research and Training. It is a board of school education which is conducted by the Government of the state of Kerala, India.

Then the Students who are studying in the schools that are affiliated to Kerala board are advised to stay tuned to our site will update the latest information on this page.

And for the latest information so bookmark our current page or like our fB page for instant updates.

Kerala HSE Result 2018 Release Date

After the exam is completed of the Kerala HSE 12th. The board will release the result in the month of May for all the available streams.

One of the important things for all the candidates regarding the paper evolution after that as soon as it completes the paper evaluation. Then it will finalize on the date to issue the Kerala plus 2 Result.

The Kerala 12th Results will release in May 2018. For those students who want to know their Kerala HSE 12th Result we are here to present current status for you from the results link here.

Kerala HSE Result 2018

According to the latest information of the 12th class then Kerala board release the current status of the board so they can check their results either college wise or name wise.

We also suggest for all the students please follow up on the official site to know the current updates regarding Kerala 12th Class Result information and dates.

How to check Kerala 12th result 2018

First of all, candidates visit the official website of the board

Then go to in the result section on the main website and click on them.

After that fill the necessary details and click on submit button.

A PDF file will be appear on your screen and save it.

Latest Information for GSEB SSC Result 2018 Date 7 years ago

The Gujarat Secondary Education Board is one of the famous and largest boards in our country. It also includes determining the policy-related, the administrative, cognitive, and intellectual direction the state's secondary for the educational system.

If we talk about the main responsibilities of the Board it includes research, academics, conducting examinations, discipline, and development. The board is also responsible for the registration and administration of higher secondary and secondary schools in the state of Gujarat.

According to the latest information of the board GSEB Class 10th Result 2018 will declare after the examination finished.

Every year lakhs of students sit in the secondary examination in which students who have appeared for Gujarat GSEB Board Class 10 Result 2018 can also check from our official website.

More than 11 lakh students of Gujarat board are expecting the Gujarat Board SSC Results then after the end on 25th March.

Steps to check GSEB SSC Class 10 Result

Firstly, all click on the official website

Enter your correct Roll Number, name and click on submit button.

Check your GSEB SSC Class 10 Result

Finally, students can download the Gujarat GBSE Board Class 10 Result by clicking. Save and take a printout for future reference.

Then when your result will come then all the aspirants have to keep regular update on the official website and to get all latest details regarding the announcement of result.

According to the latest news of the Gujarat Board, of 10th SSC results will be declared on May 29. And the results will be available on the official website of Gujarat Board. And the students who have appeared for SSC exam will be able to check their results once it is declared on May 29.

Bihar Board 10th Result 2018 Mark sheet | BSEB Intermediate Result 7 years ago

Bihar board is one of the largest and famous boards in our country in which every year lakhs of students take part in the main examination.

As per the latest reports, the Bihar board is planning to release SSC (10th) Results in the month of the May / June on our official website. If we talk about the previous year the boards released the Bihar Board Matric Result on May 30, 2017.

But currently, after the finished the examination then Bihar Board will update the result with Mark sheet, Name Wise, Roll Number Wise, School Wise, and others on our official website.

Bihar Board Class 10th Result 2018 - Mark sheet

According to the latest information of the Bihar Board 10th Result after the examination finished. The board will release the examination result in the month of the May / June.

And the mark sheet of the candidates is divided into 3 parts such as personal details, marks details, result details.

And except online result candidates then you can also get their BSEB 10th Result via the mobile message by entering the roll number, name, application number, and registered email id.

Roll Number Wise / Name Wise Check Bihar Board 10th Results 2018

Firstly visit the official website of the Bihar board.

Then go to the result section of the board examination.

Click on them and fill the roll no, name and other necessary details which are required for you.

Click on get result then a PDF format will display on your screen.

Check and save the result for future references and for more information than you can visit Latest Information for Bihar Board 12th Result

BA Result 2018 for 1st 2nd 3rd Year Exam Result 7 years ago

Now plan to declare the result of the 1st 2nd 3rd year for all the universities in which we are going to announce BA results on the official website.

All regular and private students are waiting for BA 2nd Year Exam Result. Then after some time, you can find the results on official websites. And also you can check the BA Even Sem Result using the roll number and name on the following link.

You need to keep patience because some universities take time for announcements of main results. BA 1st Year Result will be available for all students on our official website. According to the latest information results declaration might be possible in May month.

How to Check Online BA 1st 2nd 3rd Year Result 2018

First of all, students can search the official website.

And go to the scorecard section on the website and click on the available link.

Then you can choose and fill the roll no and name according to your search and need.

After that then you catch subject wise scorecard can appear on the screen.

After having careful look at them download & save.

Finally, you can take a print copy from official portal and website.

After the announcement of the university, therefore, exam schedule for BA exam routine will be available soon on the web page. Then want to wish to all the candidates keep some patience for BA Exam Schedule 2018.

2nd PUC Exam Date Sheet 2018 Karnataka PDF Download 7 years ago

The government of Karnataka is the combination of the execution of Higher Secondary Education under the Department of Primary & Secondary Education. For under the categories of Arts, Science, and Commerce, and there are 23 subjects, 11 languages and 50 combinations in the Pre-University curriculum.

Science and commerce are two important groups in the 12th standard examination. With include the 1,222 government pre-university colleges, 637 aided pre-university colleges, 1,936 pre-university colleges, and 13 corporation pre-university colleges are there.

According to the latest information of the board, Students are waiting for an annual timetable for Karnataka 12th Exam Schedule.

Then the academic year second PUC Date Sheet has been published by the Department of Pre-University, Government of Karnataka. The organization implements higher secondary education in the state. It functions under the department of primary and secondary education.

KAR Board PUC Date Sheet

Every year large numbers of students participate Karnataka board 2nd PUC main examination. So all students are advised that better preparation and hard work for good marks and the higher percentage in the exam because exam routine will help all the students in their exam preparation.

Many of the students are searching regularly inter exam scheme then they can visit the online mode. And check 2nd PUC Time Table 2018 according to the subject wise and start revision to get the high mark in the exam.

How to download Karnataka 2nd PUC Time Table

Students first visit the official website.

Then find link 12th exam Time Table according to the exams pattern.

Click the link and open it.

Here you can get 12th class exam program.

Download Karnataka 2nd PUC Time Table 2018 and save it.

Finally, take a print hard copy for the future use.

And for more info regarding the board then you can visit Latest News of 2nd PUC Time Table Karnataka Board

Graduate Jobs Offered in Banking Sector 7 years ago

Happily informed to all job seekers for both fresher and experienced candidates can apply for the Bank jobs in India under various departments.

Here we inform the Bank Jobs is the pool of resource in which where you can find the golden Job opportunities in Government as well as Private Banks according to your will. Then candidates can check accurately for all Education-wise, or Upcoming Bank Jobs then we can update on our website page immediately.

Selection Procedure for Bank exam:

And at the time of online application filling, then you can know about the other details like educational qualification, age limit, application fee, selection process and others. The selection procedure will be gone through 3-tier (government job) but in case of the private job, they can be selected on the basis of master degree and direct interview with any bank organization.

And according to the latest information of the bank-government, there are 1,365 Latest Graduate Govt. Jobs vacancies across India. If we talk about the State Bank of India (SBI) has announced a notification for the Junior Associate in Clerical Cadre vacancies. Then candidates can apply for vacancies in one state only.

Age limit for Bank Jobs:

The age of the candidates depends on the nature of job profile like 18 to 27 year is accepted for an assistant manager. But the candidates should not be more than 26 years.

And we made several pages for our website especially for the candidates who are looking for latest Graduate Jobs in India. Then we daily update all our pages with the latest notification. You can also check the latest information about SSC online exam here.

Except for these Governments and Private Banks, Several Foreign banks like HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Federal Banks, etc. They have e huge numbers of candidates in the Banking sector apply for the banking job.

Selection Processes of 12th Pass Vacancies 7 years ago

Happily invite for all the 12th pass candidates in public sector or any government sector. And we also make it easier to find such kind of offers by delivering regular updates of Govt. Jobs after 12th on this stage.

In these job opportunities, the education level is 12th/Higher Secondary level from a recognized board. Every year thousands of job vacancies roll out by the Government organizations. Then candidates just need to go through an organized procedure and read the Recruitment Notifications carefully before fill up the Application Form.

When you will fill the application form then check the relevant data and attach supporting documents, which is compulsory appear in the Examination. And get the free notification of all 12th pass govt. jobs such as including Police Govt. Job SSC, PSC, Banking etc and other private jobs through our website.

The eligibility criterion is • Applicants should have passed 12th class or intermediate exam from a state or central recognized institute. • Applicants’ age must be between 18 to 32 years.

Job Overview:

There are 21 (RRBs) across India responsible for recruiting new employees in the Indian Railway. Then 12th pass students can easily apply in online mode on the available post.

• Railway clerks and constables • Stationmaster • Ticket collector and helpers • Assistant loco pilot

Vacancies = the requirement for eligibility and apply as given below. Applicants = (Male/Female) No of vacancies:- Job Location State/ City = All Over India

Finally, we will update you each and every minute details about the 12th Pass Government Job Vacancies which will definitely help the candidate. Then you can prepare accordingly for the timetable.

UP Board Exam Date Official News 7 years ago

The Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh is managed by the state government. In which governed autonomous examining authority for the standard 10th & 12th examinations of Uttar Pradesh and its headquartered is in Allahabad India.

Presently this board delights the tag of Asia's largest board in terms of no. of students. And every year conduct the 10th and 12th standard is called the High school and Intermediate examination annually and simultaneously all over the state of Uttar Pradesh. The up Board examinations and prepares the results of nearly 31, 00,000 students.

It was set up in the year 1921 under the United Provinces Legislative Council. UP Board is one of them in India in which, from the very start, had adopted 10+2 system of examination.

UP Board Date Sheet 2018

UP Board 10th Exam will start From February 2018. And annual UP Board 10th Date Sheet 2018 scheme has been available on UP Board official website. It will finish in 15 Days while Intermediate Exam concludes in 25 Days. And UP Board Exam Result will come in the month of May and the last week of June.

One of the most important rules is made related to the practical exam of 10th & 12th. Students get less than 10 % or Greater than 80% marks in the Practical. It should be well known that Practical will be of 30 Marks Internal qualifying marks for practical i.e. 30 Marks will be check essentially for High School. If somebody complains about Intermediate then it will be checked by Third Party.

According to the timetable of the up board exam then you can make a panel and work out how much time you need for each subject. And study a little each day and give your brain a break every 30 minutes and exclude cramming the night. And make a study plan to Score Good Marks 10th Board Exam

GBSHSE SSC Exam Syllabus Updations 7 years ago

In the Indian state of Goa which is liable for secondary and higher secondary education management in the main state board of education in its affiliated schools. This was established on 27 May 1975 under Higher Secondary Education Board.

(GBSHSE) has released the examination schedule for Class 10 Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC) Exam and Class 12 Higher Senior Secondary Certificate (HSSC) exam on its official website.

Pattern of Tests and Examinations for Study

As per the examination pattern, the Class 10 Board Exams will start in the ending of March/first week of April. So we want to request to all the faculty members of schools please finish the syllabus in the ending of February. The Vocational Stream Board exams for Children with Special needs will initiation on March 6, 2018. The Board Exam results will be announced in April-May 2018.

Design of the Question papers SSC/HSSC

Candidates seeking to appear for Goa Board Official Notification for Class 10th and 12th Board Exams 2018 can register online for sample paper onwards on the Board’s official website. As per a report of sample paper of the Class 12 Exams, 2018 will start with language paper first for students of arts, science, and commerce streams. And you can do practice subject wise sample paper from our portal. And the main exams will start at 10 am in the morning and students would have to go to the Exam Centre before 9.30 am.

Goa SSC Board Class 10th Time Table 2018

Approximately 16,000 students from the state of Goa will have appeared for Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. According to the latest update of Goa SSC Time Table 2018.If we talk about the previous year the total pass percentage for students of Science stream in 2017 was 87.53%, 88.12%, for Arts stream students, 95.70% for Commerce stream students and 88.25% for vocational subject students.